Labels:book | cassette tape | poster OCR: ROBOTS CAN SYMBOLIZE THE TFEAR OF TECHNGLOGICAL PROGRESS Christin rom Lebuse' Letter NEW VOICES NEW VISTONS on around their Interested the in computers! seeing have So what were been artists doing Voyager, Interval Research, pud WIRED magazine, sponsors of the 7661 New Voices/New Visions competition Over 500 entries poured in on floppies pud CD -ROMs and Syquest drives and DAT tapes, from independent artists in eighteen countries distinguished jury selected the twenty fou winning entries (three grand prizes, one honorable mention, and twenty note worthies) presented or this two CD ROM set The impact and virtuosity of the winners astonishing The three grand prize recipients give an idea of the range George Legrady An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War a moving memory DO Hungarian childhood ...